Sule Bai | 白苏乐

Hi! I'm a first-year master student in Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School, supervised by Prof. Yansong Tang. Before that, I received my bachelor's degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology in the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2023.

My currect research interest lies in open-vocabulary segmentation and video understanding.

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* indicates equal contribution

dise Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Semantic-Assisted Calibration
Yong Liu*, Sule Bai*, Guanbin Li, Yitong Wang, Yansong Tang
CVPR 2024
[Paper] [Code]
dise Narrative Action Evaluation with Prompt-Guided Multimodal Interaction
Shiyi Zhang*, Sule Bai*, Guangyi Chen, Lei Chen, Jiwen Lu, Junle Wang, Yansong Tang
CVPR 2024
[Paper] [Code]

© Sule Bai | Last updated: Apr. 25, 2024